Glaucia Romano

Art Instructor

Glaucia has been teaching art for over 15 years in public schools as well as privately to both kids and adults. She has an MA in Art Education and a passion for teaching and for Art in all forms.

For more information or to request a class, contact us.

Art has been a passion of mine since I was very young. Through the best and worst of times, it has followed me and given me joy, comfort, and space to breathe.
I started teaching children how to make art in an effort to share that aspect of creative thinking and making, as a counter-movement to the dull everyday school work that expects kids to be the same, think the same, act the same. Art is individuality, uniqueness, self-love.
I have taught little artists from 4 to 16 years old, as well as adult workshops in several different media.
As an artist, I have worked in many different media from jewelry to watercolors. For the past four years or so I have been painting surfboards and surfboard fins and I fell in love with it!


Glaucia’s Upcoming Workshops…


Jan Bryant


Souby Boski